Transmedia Storytelling

The way in which previous generations consume stories and texts are much different in the way which audiences today can interact and exploit web 2.0 tools such as interacting in virtual spaces e.g via forum's. Our stories today are more often non-linear and interrelated which cross multiple platforms. This is what is 'Transmedia' is.

Audience 2.0: Key Differences
• The audience are not passive consumers
• They have more freedom to choose the content that they are looking at - they are in control
• They are impatient and used to moving between different content quickly
• They are communicators (via social channels, forums, communities and reviews)
• They consume content across multiple channels

Henry Jenkins - Transmedia storytelling
“Transmedia storytelling represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. Ideally, each medium makes it own unique contribution to the unfolding of the story.”

Key Characteristics of Transmedia:
The project uses more than one medium, usually at least 3
• The different parts expand the overall narrative
• There are public points of entry and users are encouraged to contribute content of their own
• They often contain some gaming or interactive elements
• All these elements exist within a ‘storyworld’
• They can contain video series, social media, blogs, an app, a game as well as traditional media - TV, Film, Billboard, Real World Performance, physical objects and live events

Transmedia stories are often based on complex fictional worlds which can sustain multiple interrelated characters and their stories. For example, Blair Witch Project 1999 (film and website) is a fictional documentary which lead to the website which expanded on and enhanced the films narrative and appeared to be based on real events.

Similarly, the creators of Angry Birds also utilised this idea of a 'Storyworld' as collaborated with T-Mobile to create a viral video which consisted of bringing the game 'Angry Birds' to life using enlarged objects and getting members of the public to play. The purpose of this was not only to promote T mobile but to promote the game too and to create a viral video.

Transmedia Marketing techniques:

• Telling stories about brands and products in order to connect with consumers
• And using a transmedia approach to tell these stories is key to digital marketing today
• Brands use transmedia because we live in a converged culture where users utilise multiple channels to engage with content
• i.e. from youTube to Facebook, from Pinterest to Twitter - user behaviour is transient so brands need to be

Creating a Storyworld

Here shows an example of a Soryworld if the core TV show Hedi were a transmedia story. Though Heidi's core story is from a TV show, the story would expand to other platforms such as existing on an IPhone game, social media accounts such as Facebook and Twitter accounts and within online journals and Youtube channels. This is created to allow audiences to gain more from their favourite media texts, which allows them to gaining more information they may have not have know, from simply sitting back consuming a TV show.


I have considered how to tell a transmedia story (Little Red Riding Hood) using social channels such as YouTube and Snapchat. This story considers a range of scenarios including new transmedia approaches for film and Tv using social channels such as vlogs, appss and real world performances.

To Conclude...

transmedia ready GIF by Isabel ChiaraMore and more media texts are becoming 'transmedia' today as more creators of stories are finding ways to interact further with their audiences. The task of creating my own transmedia text helped me gain an understanding and developed my skills to creating a narrative using multiple platforms which are relevant to the audience.


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